Smart Home Devices Drive Digital Voice Assistants to 8 Billion by 2023

by | Mar 8, 2019 | Market Research | 0 comments

digital voice assistant

Research from Juniper Research finds that digital voice assistants will reach 8 billion units by 2023. This is a massive increase compared to the estimated 2.5 billion at the end of 2018.

Juniper identified smartphone assistants to be the largest platform for digital voice assistants due to Google Assistant and Siri. Smart TVs, smart speakers, and wearables will be among the fastest growing voice assistant categories over the next 5 years. Amazon Alexa established a lead in the industry, setting the pace for other companies in the market.

Additional findings include:

  • Smart TVs are expected to have a 121.3% CAGR, followed by smart speakers at 41.3% CAGR, and wearables at 40.2% CAGR.
  • As multi-platform assistants demand increases, standalone apps for smartphones and tablets are expected to decline.

For more information or to download the white paper from Juniper, click here.

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