More than 25% of Facebook Users have Deleted the App from Mobile Phones

by | Sep 21, 2018 | Market Research | 0 comments

mobile phone app

Earlier this summer, Pew Research conducted a poll that found more than 25% of Facebook users have deleted the app from their mobile phones. The poll also shows that 42% of users between the ages of 18 and 50 have spent less time on the app. The poll was conducted several weeks after the discovery that an outside consulting firm was collecting data from Facebook users without their knowledge. Facebook’s growth has slowed in recent quarters, but data shows that post-scandal, Facebook usage increased, and the app grew 7% in the US.

Additional findings include:

  • 44% of Facebook users between 18 and 29 reported deleting the Facebook app from their phone over the past year.
  • Additional data from Statista shows that 95.1% of Facebook users use the platform on mobile devices.
  • Mobile advertising drives revenue for Facebook. In 2Q 2018, mobile advertising represented 91% of Facebook’s advertising revenue.

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