Security and Price have Customers Concerned about Smart Appliances

by | Sep 27, 2018 | Market Research | 0 comments

smart appliance

Despite the surge in smart technology, consumers are concerned about the security and price of smart appliances, according to a recent YouGov survey. Smart appliances are relatively new additions to connected home technology. The study shows that while 62% of US consumers are aware that smart appliances, over half are not knowledgeable about it. Of those surveyed, 36% expressed the belief that smart appliances are overpriced. Other concerns include hacking/cyber-attacks, data privacy, and the inability to use smart appliances in the case of an internet outage.

Additional insight includes:

  • Consumers in the 35 years and older demographic show more concern for smart appliance security. 37% have concerns about hacking/cyber attacks and an additional 36% worry about data privacy.
  • 31% of those studied between the ages of 18 and 34 believe smart appliances are overpriced. 38% of those studied who are 35 years or older believe the same thing.
  • Only 21% of consumers say they’re fully aware of smart appliances and know a lot of information about them.

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