Media Consumption Shifts and Digital Consumers are in Control

by | May 26, 2018 | Market Research | 0 comments

consumer research, looking at devices

According to Deloitte Insights, their most recent Digital media trends survey shows that digital media consumers are shifting the way they consume. Mobile devices, Wi-Fi and alternative digital media platforms have increased consumers’ control, giving them freedom when it comes to selecting media entertainment options and raising their expectations.

Consumers are looking for quality content and are becoming less inclined to purchase programming that they will not watch. For years, ISP’s have offered “discounts” to bundle TV (or phone services) with their broadband line. Many users feel this penalizes those that want to subscribe to stand-alone broadband, which is typically high priced in order to drive people to bundles.

Research shows that 56% of Americans keep their cable TV because it is bundled with Internet. At the same time, 70% of those surveyed say that they pay too much for these services. In this cord-cutting era, consumers are more and more likely to drop a provider if they are not satisfied with them.

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