New market projections predict the number of fixed global broadband subscribers to exceed 1 billion by the end of 2020, according to analytic firm Point Topic. Growth is expected to concentrate heavily in South and East Asia, where broadband penetration still lags due to undeveloped infrastructure woes, while more mature markets like North America and Europe will still see growth, albeit at a slower pace.

Meanwhile, Akmai released its latest version of the State of the Internet report, which showed that 35% of U.S. broadband users can expect speeds of 15 Mbps or higher as of Q1 2016. This result represented a more than 60% adoption rate increase year-over-year, and an 11% bump over the previous quarter. Other findings: 57% of U.S. broadband users see speeds exceeding 10 Mbps, a 29% gain since 2105.

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