Money Saving Opportunities Drive Interest in Smart Home Devices

by | Jan 24, 2019 | Market Research | 0 comments

saving money

Parks Associates released a report showing an increase in interest in smart home devices when there are money saving opportunities through reduced household bills or discounted insurance premiums.

Currently, 46% of US broadband households have no intention to buy a smart home device. Once presented with the ability to save money, 60% of US broadband households showed an increase in interest.

Additional findings:

  • On average, US broadband households have 9 devices on their home Wi-Fi network.
  • In order for cost savings promises to be kept, smart home devices must work perfectly from point of installation. This places importance on customer service and delivering a positive service experience.

These findings, as well as information provided by keynote speakers, were presented at CONNECTIONS Summit earlier this month.

For more information, click here.

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