Projected 1000% Growth of Voice Assistants in Smart Homes by 2023

by | Jun 25, 2018 | Market Research | 0 comments

voice command voice assistant

According to a Juniper Research study, a key factor to smart home growth is with voice assistants such as Alexa or Google Assistant. They project that by 2023, 275 million voice assistant devices will control smart homes. That is up from the estimated 25 million in 2018. This projection is a 1000% growth.

The research showed that Amazon and Google introduced the idea of routines and voice assistant devices, which provided a convenient way to combine desire actions and the smart home. Overall, this created a cohesive user experience across the smart home ecosystem.

Amazon’s Alexa still leads the way in voice assistants. The research also forecasts that connected appliances will become greater integrated with voice assistants.

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