Service Robot Sales Expect Huge Growth in Next Five Years

by | Jan 16, 2019 | Market Research | 0 comments

service robot

In the world of robotics, service robots are found in private homes, schools, hospitals and warehouses. These robots are used for various tasks such as cleaning, delivery, education and logistics. As AI technology rapidly advances, service robots are taking on more complex tasks.

Strategy Analytics anticipates that service robot sales will grow at a 20% CAGR over the next five years. Service robots are broken into two categories: collaborative household robots and professional service robots. Sales for personal robots are expected to grow 150% CAGR. The professional service robot category will experience more growth, a CAGR of 200% through 2023.

Additional observations:

  • Collaborative household robots take on mundane household tasks like vacuuming, mowing the lawn or being a companion.
  • Professional service robots are used in the workplace for commercial tasks such as delivering take-out, cleaning offices and performing security checks and patrols. For more advanced tasks like performing surgeries or fighting fires, the robots require human supervision.

For more information from Strategy Analytics’ Personal Service Robot Sales Forecast or Professional Service Robot Sales Forecast, click here.

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