T-Mobile Reaches New Low Churn Level of .95% Showing the Value of Customer Care

by | Aug 20, 2018 | Market Research | 0 comments

customer care call center

A recent survey was conducted among Android users that confirms the importance of customer care for both churn reduction and gaining new subscribers. T-Mobile’s new low churn level of .95% puts them on par with Verizon Wireless and AT&T, thanks to the deployment of Team of Experts. According to the survey, 7.7% of users said that a customer care line with no wait times is the biggest influence in their satisfaction with their current provider. In terms of choosing a provider, quality of customer service ranks 6th in importance behind quality of network, price of services, price of data, speed of data and phone cost.

T-Mobile’s launch of Team of Experts yielded a 13% reduction in costs a year prior, translating churn reduction into reduced customer care costs and increased revenue. Following through on customer centric initiatives provides a competitive edge.

Additional findings include:

  • AI, analytics, and care experts, when paired provide customers with the fast self-service they desire as well as the access to real people when needed.
  • Net Promoter Score among subscribers at T-Mobile rose by 56%.
  • 86% of users said quality of network is an important factor in choosing a provider.

For additional information, click here.

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