The Need for Vendors that Merge Technology and Business

by | Aug 6, 2018 | Market Research | 0 comments

technology in industry

Vendors that merge technology and business to solve multifaceted problems are in high demand.

Gartner Inc. performed a “Cool Vendors” 2018 study on some vendors that are currently disrupting the scene with rapid transformation projects, optimized use of technology and ability to problem solve. The study looked at 269 profiles in 66 reports, covering vendors that exploit digitalization, blockchain, artificial intelligence, conversational user experience and the IoT to use new business models.

By Gartner’s definition, a Cool Vendor is a small company that offers a technology or service that is innovative, impactful and intriguing.

CIOs are finding that the trends in technology evolution are increasingly intersecting, and business transformation relies heavily on technology. For vendors, this means they must provide reliable use cases for business innovation through technology.

Gartner introduced the Cool Vendors report in 2004 and has profiled over 3,700 Cool Vendors.  Read more.

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